As my final year of school begins to pick up I am feeling excited for what this year has to offer! It is encouraging to finally have all my general education classes finished and be able to focus solely on my major and minor coursework.
Since I created my ePortfolio this past summer for my Internship class this will be my first time curating my site. My original ePortfolio was the skeleton of my experience, course work and general information about me. This semester I would like to use the time to flesh out some of the elements on my site such as my resume and projects. I have already begun to update my resume, add to my skills and I am looking forward to adding some of my assignments from this course as I gain more hands-on public relations work experience.
At this time I feel fairly confident in my online and professional presence. I have been keeping up with my LinkedIn account and and curating my ePortfolio. My biggest concern at this point is that I don't have a large amount of followers or individuals who might be keeping up with my professional endeavors. I hope to increase my online presence over the course of this next year as I network at various events.
One of the things I am most excited about in this class is for my creative side to be pushed! I have a very entrepreneurial mindset in work (and life in general!) but I sometimes feel that my creative side is lacking. I know I have it in me I just need to be motivated to pull it out! Working on Public Relations campaigns and projects for Old Dominion University will be great motivation to get my creative juices flowing. I'm looking forward to another great semester!
